· The songs, stories, legends, folklore and myths of a people of as handed down by word of mouth.
· Reflects the people’s concepts of themselves- their beliefs, hopes and fears, humor, and fascination with the supernatural.
· Folktales are varied and include- quest stories or hero tales, transformation tales, and popular trickster tales
· The setting of these stories are as varied as the enchanted places or the realistic geography of our world –from the deserts to the polar ice caps
· A lot of conflict and action- The oral tradition made it imperative that the listeners be brought quickly into the action
· Folktale characters are less completely developed than are characters in other types of stories-
o characters are typed as bad or good
o a witch is usually bad
o the young heroine is fair, kind and loving
o the youngest son is honorable, kind and unselfish
· Trickster tales- a trickster figure can be godlike or greedy or foolish.
o These tales often include ghosts, riddles. Laughter and moral lessons.
o Jack- is an American trickster hero who outwits his foes
· Pourquoi tales- Native American folklore includes many pourquoi tales, or “why stories”
o Explaining natural phenomena- why the constellations are shaped
o Answer a question- such as why birds are different colors.
o Explain animals, plants or humans were created and why they act a certain way-
o Students can make up their own pourquoi tales
· Cumulative tales- tales that repeat actions, characters, or speeches until a climax is reached are found among all cultures. For example- The big turnip, gingerbread boy, henny penny,
· Beast tales- Beast tales are among the most universal folktales that are found in all cultures.
o Beasts in folktales often talk and act like people.
o The coyote is a popular animal in Native American tales; the fox and the wolf are found in many European tales.
o In some stories like “the Bremen Town Musicians” and the “3 Billy Goats Gruff” the animals use their wits to overcome an enemy
Fables- Fables are brief tales in which animal characters that talk and act like humans indicate a moral lesson. Aesops “The Hare and the Tortoise”
· Tale tales-
o Tall Tales are exaggerated and imaginary stories from the 1800's. They were made-up to tell about the courage many had while exploring and adventuring to the "WILD, WILD, WEST". These stories entertained people around campfires, on steamboats, and many other places.
o These tales describe a wide range of geographical settings and illustrate occupations that helped to develop the Early America.
o Johnny Appleseed and Davy Crockett were actual people. The stories of their life were soon exaggerated and re-told until they became folk heroes.
o Other tall tale heroes include Pecos Bill, Daniel Boone, Paul Bunyan, John Henry, Mike Fink, Sally Ann Thunder
o Steven Kellogg author of many including library lil
· Myths- truthful accounts of what happened in the past.
o They are accepted on faith-taught to be believed
o They are scared and often associated with theology and ritual
o Origins of the world and humans
o Main characters may be humans, animals or deities
o Actions may take place in an earlier world-Greek myths
Legends- are closely related to myths
· Many have been translated over centuries in the form of epics-such as “Beowulf” and “the Iliad”
· Stories are considered facts based on a real person or event
· The main character is usually a saint, king, hero, famous person that demonstrates heroic deeds and bravery ex. King Arthur, Robin Hood
Lesson ideas-
· For tall tales- read Johnny Appleseed- give them a paper apple – on one side have them write a truth and on the other an exaggerated
· Choose a common theme found in folktales such as the trickster stories from around world and compare the similarities and differences-
· Read stories about an animal- is the animal revered or despised? Why?
· Investigate the information you can learn about the culture, people and country from the tales
· Compare versions
Fairy tale- is a sub-class of the folktale. They include:
Once upon a time in a far away place
Good main character versus a villain
Magic/ magical objects
Solution is solved after several attempts
Ends happily ever after
· Fairy Tales offer hope for children who feel powerlessness and vulnerability.
· Fairy tales speaks to the heart and sole of a child. They confirm that the world may be cruel yet they send the message that if you have courage, you can accomplish any obstacle. Uses of enchantment by Bruno Bethlehelm
Fractured Fairy tales-
· When comparing to the original you may want to be the original first- don’t assume that they know it- they may only know a Disney version
· Are often comical
· In picturebooks the structure is usually the same as orginal
· Fractured may tell the same story with a different gender
· A retelling of a minor character
· Different setting
· Changing point of view-different perspective
· New interpretation –does not marry the prince
· Extend the story- continue a character’s adventures
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